Pronos entre amis
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Bets with friends

Pronos entre amis

Sports betting contests with friends, co-workers or family
Games available Choose your field among the biggest sports competitions. To play without moderation.
Free ! Register, create or join a league, play... Yes, it doesn't cost anything.
No limit ! Each league can accommodate an unlimited number of players.
Tailor-made ! Customize your rating system and choose how your league points are calculated.
In complete transparency ! See the bets of the other players as soon as the games start.
At will ! Multi-competition and multi-sports, combine your playing field as you wish.
Premium account Upgrading your account or your friend's accounts is the best way to support the site. Also, there are some advantages.
Enjoy live results and follow your bets goal by goal
Receive email alerts if you forgot to make your bets
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Remove your doubts with the betting trends
For each match consult the bets of your league at a glance
Download your league's results and standings in pdf or csv format.
"I launched a betting contest using your site for the women's WC. I wanted to thank you because the site is very popular, it is very easy to use and icing on the cake the rating system is great."
Tatiana (translated with DeepL)
Bigger league
Well done !
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